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Five Pretty Good Things About Saturn

Deepening into your heart

Have you ever found yourself harshly judging someone, and then you find out something about them that suddenly makes you feel sorry for them so much that your whole stance is collapsed, and you are humbled by your previous hastiness and ignorance?

Through suffering and awareness of suffering we have the opportunity to chisel and fine tune our outlook and thereby get much clearer on our values and priorities. We can make better future plans with open hearts.

Gratitude for a Working Body

Maybe you've had the experience of overwhelming ego-based frustration that eventually collapses into gratitude for what IS working. Example: after all the work you do at the gym, perhaps you are frustrated about that inch of body mass you cannot control. It may be so bad that you scowl pettily at loved ones or throw tantrums in your head. While it may seem immature these feelings are quite reasonable if you've been engulfed in a story that the detailed appearance of your body is what really matters to you.

But chances are your heart values other things much, much more. There is a truer and more integrated story of what matters to you, which sometimes requires some kind of jolt, like a health scare or relationship crisis, to remember. And an ironic sense of relief ensues when we are suddenly wise again. While Saturn definitely wants you to keep working on your physical goals, even some of the egoic and superficial ones, he wants you to do it without forgetting who are you are at the soul level. Remembering who you are is crucial to your efficiency and to stay focused on your deepest connection with what you value begins with bones, breath, mobility, air, food, family, etc. Is it ever expedient to take for granted the cellular building blocks of existence? Saturn says no. He is by no means recommending a bubbly optimism or obsequious proclamations of gratitude, simply a subtle constant awareness of our ongoing blessings.

Reward for Work

Have you ever had one of those days where you really didn't want to get started, everything seemed like a bad idea, and yet you move forward with your plan to accomplish your goal anyway? You did whatever you needed to do to force yourself to just do the thing, and suddenly hours later you found yourself in flow, inspired and producing like crazy, only to leave you not just with a feeling of relief for the coming rest but a deep satisfaction and sense of accomplishment - so much that you are oddly excited to continue the path of discipline the following day, to keep on pursuing your gratifying results?

Perhaps you are making effort toward staying on your soul's path and thus Saturn has smiled upon you, rewarding you with a healthy dose of bliss (which is a good sign that in its own time, material abundance is to follow).

Melancholics Rule the Era

Are you a naturally depressive person? Contrary to our current cultural expectation, that's okay. Many of the great people taught of in our history books- those in the arts for sure but in other fields as well- were somber, introverted, even macabre. Many highly admired people endure internal struggle of all kinds- very often including depression and low self esteem. Apparently successful people often struggle to feel seen, or find peace within the ebb and flow of satisfaction and confidence. Saturn understands this sometimes painful element of humanity and supports us in our seriousness around managing all difficult processes. Saturn also supports taking a break from all extraneous social activities, skepticism and judgment around new opportunities, and generally engaging in attitudes and behaviors that more Jupiterian folks might consider curmudgeonly. As long as you continue to stay focused on your soul aligned goals, Saturn has your back in increasing your overall fulfillment and satisfaction slowly and steadily regardless of what each day looks like.

Karma for the Kind

Does watching other people's disingenuousness or unkindness go unpunished really piss you off? Saturn notices. He might not respond right away because Saturn is non reactive. Saturn is cold and observes. He acts just at the right time, and when he does it is with the precision necessary to re align the being in question with the direction of their soul's fulfillment. Many of us have very loud souls, and it can be inconvenient, making us bad liars or inappropriately emotional, or possibly making us appear downright misanthropic when in the wrong circumstances. We may envy those people who can put on their game face, climb the corporate ladder and get recognized because they played the egoic culture game to a T, even if behind closed they are not at all who they appear to be. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair to those of us who don't know how to fake smile. Saturn rewards honesty, and when he comes back to a key point in the sky (as he is right now for all of us) we can expect to see some of the fruits that real kindness and honesty can yield.

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